x`xx 30th International Congress of Actuaries




Download Puzzle

In order to complete this Sudoku puzzle, you'll first need to solve some or all of the ten clues listed below the diagram. The answers to the clues employ only nine different characters, which will be entered into the diagram according to the grid markings shown.

Most Sudokus employ the numerals 1 through 9. This one uses 4 numerals (0, 1, 2, and 4) and five letters (A, C, H, M, and R). The clues will only yield 31 of the diagram's 81 squares. The remainder must be completed using ordinary Sudoku logic: each of the nine characters will appear once per row, once per column, and once per outlined 3x3 box. None of the clue answers will be entered into the middle row, row e. When the diagram is properly completed, however, this row will provide pertinent information regarding the next International Congress of Actuaries, which will be held in Washington, D.C.

Entry Rules

The phrase in row e is the solution to the puzzle. Solutions are due by 31 March 2010.

Of the correct entries, one will be selected at random to receive a $250 American Express gift card. The correct answers for the entire puzzle will be posted online in early April.