International Actuarial Association, Society of Actuaries, Milliman
Biographical Sketch: Alllen M. Klein, FSA, MAAA
- Al is a consulting actuary with Milliman’s Lake Forest / Chicago office. He joined the firm in 2009.
- Al’s primary responsibilities include industry experience studies and helping clients with life and annuity product development and reinsurance related issues. His expertise includes mortality and underwriting related issues, including older age, simplified issue and preferred.
- Prior to joining Milliman, Al most recently worked for a large stock life insurance company where he was responsible for experience studies across all lines of business. He has also worked for other life insurance companies, a reinsurer and consultant, where he has been responsible for strategic planning, product development and traditional reinsurance aspects of the business.
- Al is a frequent speaker and is currently involved with a number of industry activities, including:
- SOA representative for the Mortality Working Group (MWG) of the International Actuarial Association
- MWG Underwriting Around the World Sub-group chair – goal is to study underwriting throughout the world
- SOA Mortality and Underwriting Survey Committee
- Joint American Academy of Actuaries (AAA) / Society of Actuaries (SOA) Preferred Mortality Oversight Group
- Joint AAA / SOA Underwriting Criteria Team
- 2014 SOA Valuation Basic Table (VBT) Older Age Subgroup
- SOA Longevity Game Development Team
- Longer Life Foundation Advisory Board
- Al received a Bachelor of Science degree in Actuarial Science and Finance from the U. of Illinois, Urbana.
- Contact information: (312) 499-5731,