Andrew Gladwin

Finance Actuary (Africa)
Old Mutual South Africa

Biographical Sketch:
I am an actuary and I attained my professional qualification in 1995. My primary objective is to grow professionally and personally, and to use my gifts and skills for the betterment of others. I believe that I have good skills and seeing the big picture, and being able to analyze complex situations, and synthesize workable solutions from these situations.

My most recent work experience has been in the actuarial finance field, where I have been responsible for a team of 16 people who perform actuarial valuations and capital work for Old Mutual’s operations in the rest of Africa. Previously, I was involved in researching and modelling the retirement reform process in South Africa. I also have experience in the group risk market, as well as the experience of working in Zimbabwe for four years performing a variety of actuarial roles there.

I have been involved in the leadership of the Actuarial Society of South Africa for more than eight years, and was integrally involved in the initiative to establish a South African qualification. I am also currently extensively involved in a number of structures of the International Actuarial Association (IAA). I have also been involved in extensive leadership training, and have experience of leading people dating back from my university involvement in AIESEC. I believe that learning about leadership is a journey, and one of the most important qualities of leadership is personal humility and an ability to listen to, and learn from, others.

My key personal value is integrity, and keeping to commitments that I made. I look forward to new opportunities to learn and grow and expand my professional and technical knowledge.