Biographical Sketch: Timothy F. Harris, FSA, MAAA is a principal with the St. Louis office of Milliman. He joined the firm in 1987.
Tim manages the Milliman St. Louis, MO life and health actuarial consulting practice. Consulting projects include assignments for state and federal government agencies, healthcare providers, and employers
Specific assignments include assisting states in the development of managed Medicaid programs. More recently he has worked with states on various health reform related projects
Tim has been instrumental in designing and building computer models (Simulation Products™) for various types of health plans, including medical, dental, managed pharmacy, Medicare, Managed Medicaid, Medicaid Mental Health, physician specialties, and vision plans.
Tim has spoken at meetings of the Society of Actuaries and other organizations. He has written numerous articles and papers. He co-authored the textbook Actuarial Aspects of Life Insurance and Annuities. He also authored the book Living to 100 and Beyond and has a new book just out on Health Care Coverage and Financing in the United States. Tim also developed a manual summarizing life and health insurance valuation laws, regulations, and interpretations for the American Academy of Actuaries which is updated and published annually.
Tim has served on many professional committees. He is a past member of the Society of Actuaries' Board of Governors. He is also a past member of the Life Committee of the Actuarial Standards Board. He is chair of the Living to 100 and Beyond Symposium Committee, and co-chair of the Committee on Life Insurance Company Expenses. He was a member of the Medicare Cost Containment Work Group and is currently a member of the Medicaid Work Group and the Medicaid/Medicare redesign Task Force of the Academy of Actuaries.
Tim has a double BS in Physics and Mathematics from Purdue University