Dave Pelletier

Chair, ASC
International Actuarial Association

Biographical Sketch:
Dave Pelletier currently serves on the Boards of Equitable Life of Canada, RGA Life Reinsurance Company of Canada, and the Global Risk Institute in Financial Services, as well as on the Advisory Board of McGill University’s Faculty of Science.  He also chairs the Actuarial Standards Committee of the International Actuarial Association and acts as Advisor to Samsung Life Insurance Company. 


Dave started his career with Manulife Financial.  He then moved to pension, benefit, and HR consulting with Towers Perrin, which included nine years running its offices in Brazil and Italy prior to leading the Canadian life insurance practice of Tillinghast-Towers Perrin. In 1995 he moved to RGA Life Reinsurance Company of Canada, later becoming CEO as well as EVP of its parent company.


Immediately following his retirement in 2010, Dave served a three-year term as Chair of the (Canadian) Actuarial Standards Board and as Advisor to South Korea’s Financial Supervisory Service.  He is also a former President of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries and a past chair of the Canadian Reinsurance Conference, as well as a former member of the boards of the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association, the Institute of Insurance and Pension Research of the University of Waterloo, and the Câmara de Comércio Brasil-Canadá in São Paulo. He has spoken at conferences in over 25 countries on five continents, in four languages.