Marilyn Catherine Martin

Associate Actuary
Mutual & Federal Insurance Company

Biographical Sketch:
Marilyn Martin completed her BScHons degree in Actuarial Science at the University of the Witwatersrand in 2012. She is currently an Associate Member of the Actuarial Society of South African and has just one exam remaining before qualifying as a Fellow.

At the start of last year she started her working career in GI as part of the Corporate Actuarial team of Mutual & Federal Insurance Company, a member of the international Old Mutual Group.

Marilyn has a keen interest in the field of Enterprise Risk Management and hopes to do more work in the future on optimizing the use of ERM techniques to add value to the General Insurance industry.

This research started off as Marilyn’s research assignment for her Honours degree and was expanded, along with her co-author, Mark Hayes, into the paper that was published in the 2013 South African Actuarial Journal. Marilyn has presented this paper at the University of the Witwatersrand and at the 2013 Actuarial Society of South Africa Annual Convention. At the convention Marilyn was the recipient of the RGA Prize for the Best First-time Author(s).