Junichi Sakamoto

Chief Adviser to Pension Management Research Group
Nomura Research Institute

Biographical Sketch:
Junichi Sakamoto is the Chief Adviser to Pension Management Research Group of the Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. Before he joined the NRI in 2004, he was the Director of the Actuarial Affairs Division, Pension Bureau of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of the Japanese government. He wrote “Japan’s Pension Reform” in 2005 for the Pension Reform Primer of the World Bank,  chapter 11 of “The Future of Public Employee Retirement Systems” (Oxford University Press 2009) and“Policy Action in Private Occupational Pensions in Japan during the Economic Crisis of the 1990’s” co-authored with the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan (OECD Working Paper on Insurance and Private Pensions No.41, February 2010).He is the Chairperson of the Social Security Committee of the International Actuarial Association. He is Fellow and a board member of the Institute of Actuaries of Japan. He is a part-time lecturer at the University of Tokyo, Nihon University and Sophia University. He received his BS and MS in Mathematics from the University of Tokyo, Japan.