Actuaries – The Next Generation [The Evolution of a Profession Continues]

Wednesday, April 2, 2014: 4:00 p.m.
Marriott Ballroom Salon 3 (Washington Marriott Wardman Park)
The world is turning. Not faster than usual. But this does not hold true for the (life) insurance industry. The (life) insurance industry is in the beginning of massive changes. The trends in the environment – just think about the regulatory framework, competition and cooperation, the consumer and also the technological progress and the demanding economic environment – will induce changes in thinking, steering, acting and the entire organizational structure of an insurer.

During this period of change, as well as afterwards, the actuaries will play a key role. But actuaries are not only appointed in all trouble spots in the (life) insurance business. They work directly on the "core service" in product management and product development. The actuaries take care of processes and monitor and manage the company's risks. With highly sophisticated models they support the top management decisions without leaving aside the second pillar of all decisions: experience, intuition and foresight. Further on, they develop and control the business and transfer the product know-how to the sales and marketing area. And, the actuaries also work together with the asset manager in order to meet the liabilities.

The challenges of the (life) insurance industry are heavily increasing. The area of tension – in the center of which the consumer, the sales force and the service is located – is complex and will fuel the expected change in (life) insurance companies. It is therefore evident and crucial that the actuaries play also a key role in shaping the insurer’s response to these changing demands.

Is this just a future vision or already reality? An actuary today is not the same as an actuary in earlier days. And tomorrow the role will be different than today. One thing is sure: The actuaries of the next generation will come.

Presentation 1
Frank Genheimer, Senior Life Actuary, Helvetia Group
  • Actuaries_The next generation_Frank Genheimer_handout.pdf (1.2 MB)