The Development of the Actuarial Profession in Macedonia
Monday, March 31, 2014: 2:00 p.m.
Washington Room 5 (Washington Marriott Wardman Park)
The actuarial profession in Macedonia is finally at a stage when people recognize the profession, the need of actuaries and the recognition is from a broad audience. Several changes to the educational system have been made, the role of the supervisor is strengthened and the role of the association is going upwards. What are the next steps for developing the profession, what's the sufficient number and quality of the actuaries meeting the new chalenges of the profession, when a country as small as Macedonia is in question? Are there additional changes to the education system that might be made and are a better solution for the practical knowledge of the future actuaries? What's the role of the universities in improving the profession? These and other questions are to be answered in the discussion.
Presentation 1
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