A Cross-Country Comparison of Historical Changes in Period Life Expectancies and Mortality Improvement
Wednesday, April 2, 2014: 9:30 a.m.
Washington Room 5 (Washington Marriott Wardman Park)
This presentation takes all available data from the Human Mortality Database and presents it in two novel and informative ways:
- An MS Excel utility comparing Period Life Expectancy for all countries and years available from HMD for Males and Females (and the gap) for ages 0, 40 and 65
- Mortality Improvement Heat Maps produced using 1 or 2 methods: P-splines and possibly an expanded van Broekhoven algorithm for all countries and years available from HMD for Males and Females
The extensive changes that have been observed over time as well as both the variation and similarities between countries will be discussed and commented.
Presentation 1