22: Developing World Issues 1
Actuarial Specialties:
Explore a new parsimonious framework that incorporates cause dependence in cause-specific mortality models, addressing a traditional modeling limitation. Gain insight into a proposed risk-based capital (RBC) model, designed to encourage regulators in Africa to introduce RBC into their regimes. The approach examines current models in Europe, Asia, and South Africa to come up with a model that would be suitable for African countries. Learn about the new 2013 mortality tables introduced in Sub-Saharan Africa and related critical challenges, including development and implementation, the impact on annuity and insurance products, and follow-up experience studies.
Séverine Arnold (-Gaille)
2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Séverine Arnold (-Gaille)

Luc Noubissi, Raoul Gabin Donessoune, N'da Kouassi Thomas Yebouet, Ousmane Laguide