Guidelines for submitting papers for the ASTIN Colloquium:
1. The ASTIN Colloquium, The Hague 2013, is seeking research papers on the following topics:
- Solvency Capital and Reserving
- Stochastic Modelling
- Risk Management
- Pricing
- Catastrophe Risk
- Monte Carlo Methods
- Lessons Learned from the Crisis
- Reinsurance
- Risk Transfer Vehicles
- Governance
- Extreme Value Statistics
- Climate Risk
- Marketing in insurance
2. Papers outside the range of topics mentioned above can also be submitted.
3. Papers linked to practice are welcome.
4. Only complete papers can be submitted. Paper proposals consisting only of an outline or an abstract will not be accepted.
5. All papers should be submitted electronically in PDF format. Contact information of at least one of the authors should also be included on the title page of the document.
6. Papers should be written in English or French and must be sent no later than 31 January 2013 to the following e-mail (; if you submit your paper during the extended deadline period, your paper must be submitted no later than 31 March 2013.
7. Acknowledgement that your paper has been received will be sent within 2 weeks after. If you do not receive an e-mail, please contact Monique Schuilenburg at the above e-mail address.
8. Submitted papers will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee, and acceptance of the papers will be confirmed no later than 15 March 2013. For papers received in the extended deadline period, acceptance will be confirmed no later than 15 April 2013.
9. The list of accepted papers will be posted on the website no later than 1 April 2013; for papers received during the extended deadline the list of accepted papers will be posted no later than 1 May 2013.
10. Accepted papers will be posted on the website by the end of April or in the first half of May unless the author objects.