Actuarial and Analytics Hiring Trends in the Global Insurance/Reinsurance Markets Today

Monday, March 31, 2014: 2:00 p.m.
Maryland Suite C (Washington Marriott Wardman Park)
The presentation will provide detailed information on the actuarial and analytics hiring trends in the various markets around the world. From developed countries to developing countries, the focus will be on the in-demand and growing insurance/reinsurance sectors by region. With the advent of Solvency II in Europe to the burgeoning business of micro-insurance in India to the established markets of North America, the presenters will break down not only the varied hiring trends throughout the world but the skill sets employers seek in today’s global actuarial and analytics professions.
Presentation 1
Bob Morand, Vice Chairman, President & Managing Partner, D.W. Simpson
Presentation 2
Tom Troceen, Chief Technology Officer, DW Simpson
  • DW_SIMPSON_ICA_2014_Presentation-Update.pdf (7.5 MB)