Measuring Herd Behavior in Financial Markets

Monday, March 31, 2014: 4:00 p.m.
Delaware Suite AB (Washington Marriott Wardman Park)
In this paper we introduce different measures for the strength of the co-movement between dependent random variables. In a first part, we show how the distribution of the sum can be used to characterize a random vector. We give an interpretation in a utility framework and using distorted expectations.
The distribution of the sum and the theory of comonotonicity are the main ingredients to construct a set of dependence measures, called herd behavior measures. These measures can be used to derive indices for the co-movement between stock prices. Each index is model-free and based on option price data. It represents the expectation of the market about future co-movement between stock prices.
Presentation 1
Daniël Linders, PhD, KU Leuven
  • ICA_2013_05_29.pdf (908.9 kB)