Chief Risk Officer Panel - Property/Casualty and Health

Thursday, April 3, 2014: 10:30 a.m.
Washington Room 4 (Washington Marriott Wardman Park)
The position of Chief Risk Officer is gaining in prominence and visibility. Most major insurers now have a CRO, who is a member of the senior management team The panelists will discuss the following topics:

· Their roles and responsibilities within their organization

· Key external risk management issues, such as ORSA, ComFrame, and Solvency II

· Key internal risk management issues, such as emerging risks, risk modeling, and leading practices

· The role of actuaries in risk management

Typical questions to be covered by the panel include

-what are the main risks you see to (life/PC) insurers in 2014? Longer term?

-how have companies responded?

-how do companies perceive the value of ERM? Value of the CRO?

-what actuarial models have proved most valuable?

-can you relate a successful risk mitigation anecdote?

Time will be reserved for Q&A.

Presentation 1
Barry Franklin, Senior Vice President and Chief Risk Officer, General Insurance, Zurich North America
Presentation 2
Michael Steel, Chief Risk Officer, AXIS Capital
Presentation 3
Mark Verheyen, Senior Vice President and Chief Risk Officer, CNA Insurance Companies