SCOR Sweden Re was founded in 1914 and celebrates 100 years of successful Nordic presence this year. It is a leader of reinsurance and medical risk assessment in the Nordic life and health insurance markets. With annual € 10.9 billion GWP in 2013 and an A+ rating with positive outlook from S&P’s, SCOR is one of the world’s largest reinsurance groups.
The SCOR group have 39 offices across 5 continents with more than 2,150 employees worldwide and 4000 clients in over 80 countries.
Hannover Re, with a gross premium of around EUR 14.0 billion, is the third-largest reinsurer in the world. It transacts all lines of non-life and life and health reinsurance and is present on all continents with around 2,400 staff. The rating agencies most relevant to the insurance industry have awarded Hannover Re very strong insurer financial strength ratings (Standard & Poor's AA- "Very Strong" and A.M. Best A+ "Superior").
KLP is Norway's largest life insurance company. Kommunal Landspensjonskasse (KLP) deliver safe and competetive financial and insurance services to the public sector, enterprises associated with the public sector and their employees.
The KLP Group has total assets of NOK 442 billion. KLP is owned by customers with the public sector occupational pensions with the Company. KLP has ethical minimum requirements for all asset management
Milliman is among the world's largest independent actuarial and risk consulting firms, delivering market-leading services and solutions for clients for over 60 years. Working locally as part of a global team, our professionals help clients to fulfil their potential, whether it involves reimagining actuarial reporting, implementing cutting edge risk management, delivering product innovations, or efficiently structuring their businesses.
The Storebrand Group is a leading player in the Nordic market for long-term savings and insurance. The group's head office is at Lysaker near Oslo. The company has also established life insurance, asset management and health insurance activities in Sweden. By the end of 2012 there were 2250 employees.
Storebrand operates a total of 1.8 million customers in Norway and Sweden. We make it possible for customers to take the best financial choices adapted to their different needs and situation. Storebrand's history dates back to 1767. The company has provided occupational pensions to Norwegian employees since 1917, 50 years before social security was established.
The Swiss Re Group is a leading wholesale provider of reinsurance, insurance and other insurance-based forms of risk transfer. Dealing direct and working through brokers, its global client base consists of insurance companies, mid-to-large-sized corporations and public sector clients. From standard products to tailor-made coverage across all lines of business, Swiss Re deploys its capital strength, expertise and innovation power to enable the risk-taking upon which enterprise and progress in society depend. Founded in Zurich, Switzerland, in 1863, Swiss Re serves clients through a network of over 60 offices globally and is rated "AA-" by Standard & Poor's, "Aa3" by Moody's and "A+" by A.M. Best.
DNB - Leading financial group. DNB is Norway's largest financial services group and one of the largest in the Nordic region in terms of market capitalisation.
The Group offers a full range of financial services, including loans, savings, advisory services, insurance and pension products for retail and corporate customers.
DNB’s bank branches in Norway, in-store postal and banking outlets, Internet banking, mobile services and international offices ensure that we are present where our customers are.
Edlund A/S is Scandinavia’s leading provider of specialized IT solutions for the administration of life, pension and insurance portfolios. Our products, LifeLink and Actulus, are the very core of many well-established Life insurance companies. Our goal is to create standard solutions that give our customers space for action and security in an industry characterized by being influenced by numerous external factors. Edlund’s innovative IT solutions are stable and reliable, yet extremely flexible when our customers and the industry face new challenges.
LifeLink is a unique standard solution because it allows virtually any part of the solution to be tailor-made to customer-specific requirements without the risk of the solution ending up being too complex or too heavy. LifeLink is a mature solution and we continuously upgrade the code base to the most resent versions of Microsoft technology.
Actulus is a brand new cloud based SaaS solution designed to support Life insurance companies, calculate market values and cash flows on liabilities. Actulus enables calculation of liabilities and cash flows for all standard products in the 7-state model. The calculator comes with a library of Solvency II standard stress scenarios.
EIKOS AS is an independent actuarial consulting company providing high-quality services and cost-effective solutions. We deliver actuarial services and consulting, pension fund administration and modern pension and life insurance system solutions. Currently, we are appointed actuaries for both life companies and pension funds. Our systems solutions include group schemes with either defined benefit or defined contribution plans as well as individual pensions and life insurance products. We have a unique system structure allowing for a combination of guaranteed and unit linked fund in the same scheme and even on the same policy.
Our actuaries and consultants have extensive experience in plan design, administration, documentation, regulatory issues, accounting, pension analysis and reporting.
Oslo Pensjonsforsikring AS (OPF) is the life insurance captive of the City of Oslo. OPF’s main product is a defined benefit scheme for the public sector providing old-age, disability, and survivor’s benefits. OPF manages an investment portfolio of NOK 66 bn (8 bn €) with an annual premium in 2013 of NOK 3 600 million (431 million €). The defined benefit scheme has a total of 120 000 members - 29 000 employees, 29 000 pensioners and 62 000 former employees with vested benefits. The non-life insurance captive of the City, Oslo Forsikring AS, is a subsidiary of OPF with an investment portfolio of NOK 409 million (49 million €) and annual premiums of approximately NOK 37 million (4.4 million €).
SpareBank 1 Gruppen AS is a financial holding company owned by the SpareBank 1 banks, and that through its subsidiaries, provides and distributes products in the fields of life and P&C insurance, fund management, securities brokering and factoring.
Aktuarene is a joint ownership consisting of 8 fully qualified actuaries. Lillevold & Partners and Arne Eyland are independent consulting actuary firms and our services cover life insurance, pension and general insurance. Aktuarene is a member of Abelica Global, an international network of actuarial and consulting firms.
Gabler supplies pension and investment consulting services, and is owned by its employees. Gabler have a real independent position in relation to all key players in the pension insurance and asset management environment. We receive no commissions from asset management companies or insurance companies. The company was founded in 1988. Gabler has about 60 employees and has offices in Oslo, Bergen and Kristiansand.
Gjensidige has secured life, health and property for nearly 200 years and is today a leading Nordic insurance company. The Group is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange and has approximately 3,400 employees. Gjensidige offers insurance in Norway, Denmark, Sweden and the Baltic States. In Norway Gjensidige also offers services in banking, pensions and savings.
In the market for occupational pension Gjensidige specialize in defined contribution. Gjensidige has about 10% market share and is the company that has had the strongest growth since the mandatory occupational pensions was introduced in 2006.
EY's Insurance Risk and Actuarial Services practice, with over 1,000 professionals, ranks Top 3 among actuarial service providers globally. In the Nordics we have 16 actuaries and more than 50 professionals dedicated to providing advice and consulting services to the insurance industry and corporate clients with pension valuations. Our services include actuarial process improvement, risk and capital management, customer and growth, actuarial valuation, mergers & acquisitions, Solvency II and IFRS valuations and disclosures. The combination of our strong actuarial competencies locally, an integrated global network and close collaboration with related service areas enables us to deliver truly integrated services across all disciplines in the insurance industry and beyond.
Livforsikringsselskapet Nordea Liv Norge AS is part of the Nordea group and Norway's third largest private life insurance company. We offer occupational pension schemes to corporate customers and life and pension insurances to individual customers. Nordea Liv Norge AS will offer insurance-related savings products that provide financial security in case of death and disability. The products and services will be of high quality and be profitable for customers and owners. In addition to focusing on developing high-quality products, Nordea Liv also focuses on online communication solutions. Positive feedback from customer surveys and low insurance transfers confirm that this creates added value for our customers. Nordea Liv Norge AS offers its insurance and savings products through several different channels: Nordea Bank Norge ASA, Tryg Forsikring AS, insurance agents, selected independent providers and directly via our web pages.
Mercer Mercer is a global consulting leader in talent, health, retirement and investments. We help clients around the world advance the health, wealth, and performance of their most vital asset â?" their people.
In Norway we are 60 employees.
Mercer Norway represents one of the largest independent provider of actuarial services. We provide Appointed Actuary for both pension funds and non-life insurance companies including captives. Other services include accounting, risk analysis and preparing companies for the coming â?oSolvency 2 environment.