Association News |
June 2017 |
Deutsche Aktuarvereinigung, Germany New board elected at Annual Meeting 2017 in Berlin New standard IFRS 17 released First announcement of solvency ratios EAA – European Actuarial Academy GmbH Understanding IFRS 17 Seminars—Zagreb in September and Lisbon in October Additional information and a registration form will be available soon on the EAA website. CERA, Module B: Taxonomy, Modelling and Mitigation of Risks We offer a series of four training courses and exams (through the DAV) to all actuaries who want to deepen their knowledge of ERM and gain the international ERM credential CERA. The CERA, Module B seminar focuses on quantitative analyses of financial and non-financial risks of an insurance company and the effect and possible applications of risk mitigation techniques. After an introduction to the economic valuation of an insurance company, including stochastic valuation models and approximation techniques for life companies, and the building blocks of its economic balance sheet, the risk measure and the relevant regulatory requirements of Solvency II will be discussed. Concepts of risk modelling from standard formulas to internal models will be presented. The seminar is open to those interested in obtaining comprehensive skills in ERM. Understanding the business model of an insurance company (life and non-life) is a prerequisite for participants. Basic knowledge of deterministic and stochastic valuation models as well as value-based management is recommended. Please register on our website. Additional information and registrations forms are available here. American Academy of Actuaries, U.S. Webinar Highlights Progress in Actuaries Climate Index The AAA and the three other sponsoring organizations in the United States and Canada—the CIA, CAS and SOA—updated the ACI in March with the most recent spring and summer 2016 data, which showed it reached the third-highest seasonal level recorded, with an index value of 1.72 standard deviations above the norm. The five-year moving average stands at 1.03. During the webinar, Jim MacGinnitie, the Academy’s senior casualty fellow and a past president of the IAA, said: “The stakeholders have dedicated a lot of effort in developing the indices over the past several years and have made multiple presentations to their members, as well as the Academy and CIA making presentations to public policy stakeholders in their respective countries . . . [including] in front of regulators, legislators, and government agencies.” More than 800 participants attended the webinar on the ACI, which is based on an analysis of quarterly seasonal data for six different components collected from data starting in 1961. Each of the sponsoring organizations had a speaker provide part of the update and introduction to the ACI.
He added: “As climate changes over time, the distribution of risk profiles changes as a result—actuaries will need to learn how to take that into account in their projections, in their pricing and in their strategic considerations.” Slides and audio are available on the Academy’s webinar page. Casualty Actuarial Society, U.S. CAS announces winners of university award program Casualty Loss Reserve Seminar (CLRS) to be held in Philadelphia CAS Institute invites experienced practitioners to apply for its Certified Specialist in Predictive Analytics (CSPA) Credential For more information on these announcements and other CAS news, visit the CAS website. 30 years in Nankai and SOA/CIA educational partnership The SOA China Annual Symposium will take place from June 29–30 in Shanghai, China. Presenters from a variety of industries will explore issues in financial environments, insurance regulation, IFRS management, product development, asset-liability management and investment. Renowned Chinese economist Sheng Songcheng is scheduled to be a keynote speaker, and the China Insurance Regulatory Commission’s director general of finance and accounting, Dr. Yulong Zhao, will also be a keynote speaker on the subject of C-ROSS. The 2017 SOA Asia–Pacific Annual Symposium will take place from July 6–7 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, with the theme Beyond Traditions – A World of Opportunities On July 3, the SOA and Nankai University in Tianjin are celebrating 30 years of collaborating to expand actuarial education at the university. In October 1987, the SOA Board of Governors unanimously passed a resolution approving a proposal for the society to assist in establishing an actuarial science program at Nankai. Today, the university offers undergraduate and master’s degrees for its actuarial programs. SOA President-Elect Mike Lombardi, executive director Greg Heidrich, senior director (Asia and Latin America) Ann Henstrand, staff fellow Stuart Klugman, Harry Panjer and lead China representative Jessie Li will attend the event organized by the university. Harry was SOA President from 2002–2003, and both he and Stuart were visiting professor participants in the original program. The CIA and SOA have signed an MoU providing for future collaboration and cooperation on the education of actuarial candidates. This agreement builds upon and extends the CIA–SOA relationship of many years. |
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