June 2017 |
Council and Committee Meetings in Chicago, U.S. The next meetings of the IAA Council and Committees will take place in Chicago, IL, at the Westin Chicago River North Hotel from October 3–8. These meetings, held at the invitation of the Society of Actuaries (SOA), Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS), Conference of Consulting Actuaries and the ASPPA College of Pension Actuaries, provide an opportunity for numerous groups to discuss ongoing projects and consider new developments. Bringing together actuaries and other experts from around the world, they enable the international actuarial profession and financial industry to network and collaborate. In conjunction with them, the PIWG and Mortality Working Group are planning a seminar titled "International Insights on Mortality, Population and the Public Interest", on October 3. Preliminary detalis can be found here. Rooms can be booked, meeting program can now be viewed and you can register your attendance. We look forward to seeing you in Chicago. ASTIN/AFIR-ERM Colloquium—Panama City, Panama The 2017 ASTIN/AFIR-ERM Colloquia will take place from August 21–24 at the Grand Sheraton Hotel in the beautiful coastal surroundings of Panama City. It will feature plenary keynote speakers such as Paul Embrechts, David Ingram and Clemente Cabello, and the panel session “Are regulators bridge builders?” with regulators from Mexico, Panama, Canada and Portugal, moderated by Professor Karel Van Hulle (“the father of Solvency II”), which will provide you with opportunities to discuss the most recent regulatory trends in our industry. The complete program features concurrent presentations from leading researchers and practitioners, and educational workshops. The workshops will be guided by subject-matter experts from around the world, and will expand on actuarial technique in areas including reserving, pricing, reinsurance, solvency and enterprise risk management (ERM), and specific topics such as longevity risk, bonus-malus pricing, term structure models and derivatives pricing. Special registration prices for students and full-time academics are available. It will be a great opportunity to learn about the latest scientific developments in our profession. We are looking forward to seeing you! Submit your abstract for the ICA 2018 before July 31, 2017 The ICA 2018 Scientific Committee has identified a broad range of main topics and corresponding subtopics. The main subjects include theoretical and practical issues, innovative approaches and day-to-day problems. Apart from section-specific topics, the program also includes joint sessions covering cross-section topics. Further subjects not already included in the list may also be considered. Actuaries, scientists or practitioners interested in presenting their results at the event have until July 31 to submit their abstract via an easy-to-understand submission tool. The application must include:
There is no need to submit a written paper as the basis for your talk or presentation. The complete submission process will take approximately 20 minutes. In total, the congress program will feature about 100 slots for the presentation of submitted papers. Each parallel session will last 90 or 120 minutes and contain a number of 30- to 45-minute talks. Up to 11 parallel lecture halls with a capacity of 60 to 750 participants allow for the discussion of interdisciplinary issues as well as expert topics. ICA participants wishing to be considered for the ICA 2018 Best Paper Awards or the IAA Section Best Paper Awards should submit a full paper in addition to the regular abstract submission. These applications will automatically enter the review process for the awards. The list of topics as well as other information on the Call for Papers can be found here. Bursaries New website online Actuarial Association of Sri Lanka South Asian Actuarial Conference—Colombo, Sri Lanka The program is now available. When: July 12–13 4th Life Insurance Conference—Singapore It is hard to grasp new opportunities while holding onto old ways of thinking and behaving that may no longer be relevant in a fast-changing world. Is the life insurance industry too slow to change and are we heading for our very own “Kodak moment”? Or are we up to the mark to tap into the wave of change? In this world where technology, consumer mindsets, regulations, business and the workplace environment are constantly changing, it is time to engage one another and discuss how we could learn from the old and embrace the new—a difficult but always-essential step in the change process. We welcome any thoughts or suggestions and are looking forward to your participation. If you have any questions regarding the conference, contact Patsy Lau. When: August 17–18 Society of Actuaries The SOA Asia–Pacific Annual Symposium The SOA is honored to receive support for this event from the Actuarial Society of Malaysia and Persatuan Insurans Am Malaysia. This symposium intends to provide a learning and networking platform in the Asia–Pacific region for members and non-members to share their experiences in the actuarial profession and the finance and insurance industries, as well as other fields that relate to actuaries in the region. When: July 6–7, 2017 Health Predictive Analytics Seminar While commercial conferences on predictive analytics, big data, predictive models or data analytics typically focus on manufacturing or other non-insurance applications, this seminar has been designed to cover multiple predictive analytics tracks so that attendees can choose to follow the route that fits their needs: management, beginning or intermediate practitioner, or advanced predictive analytics. When: August 7–8, 2017 Actuarial Research Conference Given the department’s legacy in actuarial education and its risk orientation, we are extremely proud to host ARC 2017 with the theme Actuarial Research at the Crossroads: Transcending Disciplines. Increasing amounts of data, global climate trends, interest rates at or below the zero bound, changing regulatory frameworks, etc., make the actuarial profession ever more challenging. Meeting these challenges—and turning them into opportunities—calls on actuarial education and research to expand the actuarial toolkit and the scope of methods to answer pressing research questions. ARC 2017 will be a venue for actuarial educators, practitioners and researchers interested in these latest developments to exchange ideas and learn from each other. Anyone with inquiries can contact Daniel Bauer or Carmen Brown. When: July 26–29, 2017 |
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