Papers and Presentations

Monday June 5 Links

Saisai Zhang: Retirement Consumption, Risk Perception and Planning Objectives of Canadian Retirees and Pre-Retirees


Luis Eduardo Afonso, Antonio Gualberto Pereira: Automatic Enrollment and Choices of Pension Plans: an Experimental Study in Brazil


John Turner: Social Security Policy Procrastination: A Behavioral Economics Response


Fernanda Salas: Miles for Retirement


Eliud Silva: Escenarios macroeconómicos en función del PIB requerido para financiar el programa de Pensión Universal en México


Marco Hernando Albarrán: Factores que condicionan la probabilidad de cotizar a las pensiones de retiro en México


Maria del Carmen Fernández Reyes: De La Teoría a la Practica - 20 Años despues de la Reforma de Pensiones de la Ley del Seguro Social


Teemu Pennanen: Economic Valuation of DB-Liabilities


Brnic Van Wyk: Cohorting DC members for ALM-based investment strategies


Jesús Arredondo: Simulation Analysis of Pension Risk Sharing Arrangements


Francisco Miguel Aguirre: National Framework Law and equivalence model for Individual Accounts and Defined Benefit


Pierre Devolder: Hybrid Social Security Pension Schemes: Risk Sharing and Stochastic Optimal Control


Kazuma Fujiyama: Practical Issues on Japanese Version of "Defined Ambition"


Tachimoto Takahiro: Japanese pensions, under and after the low interest rates policy


Kenji Kusakabe: The impact and implication of the 2016 pension legislative revision in Japan


Daniel Antonio Elias: Regímenes previsionales contributivos - tasas de sustitución: determinación de un haber previsional razonable, justo y sustitutivo


Jacqueline Ruíz Hernández: Modelo de Puntaje Estadístico para la Evaluación de la Pobreza en México 2008-2014

Tuesday June 6 Links

Tomoyuki Kubo: Necessary adjustments of pensions under ageing societies


Takeshi Enta: Improvement of middle class's old age income


Stephen Bonnar: Population Structure: Impact on Asset Values


Sam Gutterman: Long Term Care


Carlos Lozano: Cuantificación del Ciclo de vida como base para el diseño de planes de pensiones


Mikko Sankala: Adapting to changes in life expectancy in the Finnish earnings-related pension scheme

Wednesday June 7 Links

Rodrigo Ibarra Jarrín: Investment of Pension Funds in Reforestation and Forestry Projects: The Ecuatorian Case Proposal


Royston Flude: Holographic Investments


Xiao Bai Zhu: Valuation of Bermudan-DB-Underpin Option


Chun-Ming (George) Ma: Selecting Discount Rates for Assessing Funded Status of Target Benefit Plans


Carmen Boado, John Turner: A Financial Assesment of the Chinese Pay-As-You-Go Pension System


Octavio Rojas: Defining Posteriori Distribution of an Actuarial Forecasting: a Mixed Approach


Knut Aase: The Life Cycle Model with Recursive Utility: Defined Benefit vs Defined Contribution?


Ayse Arik: Investigation of Dependency between Short Rate and Transition Rate on Pension Buy-Outs


Georgios Symeonidis: Forging a new, solid social security system for Greece: The NTS proposal

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