


Norma Alicia Rosas-Rodríguez
President of Comisión Nacional de Seguros y Fianzas (CNSF)

  • Norma Alicia Rosas-Rodríguez is president of the Comisión Nacional de Seguros y Fianzas (CNSF) since August 2015, in this position she is responsible of the supervision of the insurances market in Mexico. She is an Actuary by the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM)
  • From 1999 to 2012 and from 2014 to 2015, she hold the Analysis and Sectorial Studies Vice-presidency in the CNSF. In this position, she was responsible of the investigation and studies in technical, actuarial, statistics, economic and financial matters, to support the regulation for insurance institutions.
  • She counts with big experience in the regulation and supervision of pension, health insurances and the regulation of solvency.
  • She participated in the development of the new Ley de Instituciones de Seguros y de Fianzas (LISF) and the general formula for calculating the capital requirement of solvency included in that law.
  • She is member of the International Association of Insurance (IAIS) Committee, member of the International Association of American Insurance (ASSAL) Committee. Since 2003 she is member of the Regulation Committee and the Solvency Subcommittee of the International Actuarial Association (IAA), representing the National College of Actuaries (CONAC).
  • In November 2015 she was elected President of the Committee of the Insurance and Privet Pensions in the Organization for the Cooperation and Economic Development (OCDE)
  • She got a diploma in Applied Statistics, a diploma in High Direction of Public Enterprises and a master´s degree in Administration in the same institute.
  • Norma Alicia is a certified Actuary by the CONAC in the insurance segments of Life, Accidents, Diseases and Damages. She was the founder of the Diploma Course of Insurances at ITAM.

Luis Fernando Magaña 
Physicist, professor and researcher at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)

  • He was born in Mexico. He completed his undergraduate, masters and doctorate at the Faculty of Sciences at UNAM and at McMaster University in Canada.
  • He is Professor of Physics, at the Institute of Physics of the UNAM, National Investigator (SNI) and National University Professor all at the highest level. He teaches courses in electromagnetism and quantum mechanics.
  • He has been a guest researcher at McMaster University in the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique the (CNRS) Paris, France and the Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain.
  • He directed the School of Sciences of the UNAM from 1998 to 2002, and created the Multidisciplinary Unit of Research and Graduate Studies, School of Sciences UNAM in the port of Sisal in Yucatán.
  • He was among the founders of the Physical Engineering at the Autonomous University of Yucatan, in 1996, and along with the directors of the Schools of Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires and the Republic of Uruguay in Montevideo, the Network Schools of Science of Latin America and the Caribbean, under the auspices of UNESCO.
  • He has served as Chairman of the Science Advisory Council of the National Center for Educational Assessment (CENEVAL) and is a member of the Commission for Higher Education Accreditation (COPAES). He is also member of the Technical Council of the National Admissions Exams (EXANI I, II and III) in the CENEVAL.
  • He has tutored 12 PH.D thesis. He has published 116 research papers. He has participated with 291 papers in international and national congresses.
  • He has also written 4 books popularizing science and education, among which are "Superconductors" (published by El Fondo de Cultura Económica), with four national editions, and one international edition, with an approximate overall print run of 90,000 copies. He has written three books on Mayan mathematics: "Dots, bars and shells," published by the Ministry of Education in December 2007 with a print run of 100,000 copies. "The fascinating, ludic and powerful Mayan mathematics," and the last: "Sayab to learn mathematics: Mayan mathematics,"
  • In June 2015, he was invited to give a lecture on Mayan mathematics at the French Academy of Sciences, within the Week of Latin America and the Caribbean in Paris, France. Commissioned by the Ministry of Education of the State of Yucatan, he has taught each semester of 2010-2014, the Mayan mathematics course for primary school teachers in the indigenous zone of Yucatan. In January 2015, he was honored by the Congress of the State of Yucatán with the Recognition Pánfilo Novelo Martín, "Because having distinguished himself as a great researcher, academic and prolific promoter and disseminator in various books and publications of Mayan mathematics."

Tom Terry
President, International Actuarial Association

  • Tom Terry began his tenure as President-elect of the International Actuarial Association on 1 January 2016.
  • As President-elect he is a leader and Officer of the Association, a member of the Executive and Nominations Committees, and Chair of the Strategic Planning Subcommittee, having previously served as a member of the Executive Committee and as Chairperson of the Pensions and Employee Benefits Committee.
  • Tom was born in Rochester, New York, United States in 1951. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science, majoring in Mathematics and Physics, from Tufts University, then went on to obtain a Masters of Actuarial Science from the Graduate School of Business Administration at the University of Michigan.
  • He began his career with Towers Perrin, advancing to principal and vice president as well as retirement practice leader in the firm's Chicago office. Later, he founded CCA Strategies and grew that firm to 200 professionals in ten offices across the United States. CCA Strategies provided pension and healthcare actuarial services to some of the largest private sector employers in the United States. Upon J.P. Morgan's acquisition of CCA Strategies, Mr. Terry assumed leadership of J.P. Morgan's U.S. consulting unit.
  • Today, Tom is Founder and CEO of The Terry Group, which provides strategic and technical consulting services in healthcare and retirement as well as litigation support and expert testimony.
  • He is also chair of the Board of Actuaries, the advisory and oversight board for the Civil Service Retirement System and the Federal Employees Retirement System covering over five million participants.
  • Tom also chairs the board of an organization housing a graduate university conducting research and offering masters and doctorate degrees in human potential. He also chairs the board of a research and educational organization (think-tank) dedicated to improving our understanding of global aging, to informing policymakers and the public about the challenges it poses, and to encouraging timely and constructive policy responses.
  • Tom has been an active volunteer in the actuarial profession. He is a past president of the American Academy of Actuaries and of the Conference of Consulting Actuaries. He also served on the board of the Society of Actuaries.
  • He has written numerous articles and is a frequent panelist or speaker at various industry and professional conferences.

Oscar Vela Trevino
In Charge of the Insurance, Pensions and Social Security Unity in the Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Publico (SHCP)

  • Dr. Oscar Vela is graduate in Economy by the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo De México (ITAM), his specialized áreas are Public Finances ans Macroeconomics
  • In the SHCP has been collaborated also as the Attached General Direction of Public Debt (2011-2013) and as a advisor of the Deputy Minister of Finance (2009-2011).
  • He work as an Economist in the Inversion Strategy Group for emergent markets in Barclays Capital and also as Economist in Banco de Mexico.
  • He has been professor on Public Finances, Public Politics and microeconomics in the ITAM ans in the University of Chicago.
  • He Has also written multiple articles about Public Debt, Monetary Politics and International Commerce of Mexican Economy in specialized magazines in Mexico and USA.