Actuarial Valuation versus Market Valuation under a Volatile or Abnormal Market Environment

Monday, March 31, 2014: 4:00 p.m.
Delaware Suite AB (Washington Marriott Wardman Park)
Market valuations have lead to significant problems in financial systems - witness the housing crisis and resulting financail meltdown in the US in the last decade.  Actuarial valuations are preformed with a much longer view on valuation and can add stability to the process, preventing asset bubbles.
Presentation 1
Shaun Wang, Deputy Secretary General and Head of Research, The Geneva Association
  • Submission to 2014 ICA Actuarial Housing Value Paper 08-08-2013.docx (365.6 kB)
  • Submission to 2014 ICA Actuarial Housing Value Paper 08-08-2013.pdf (1.0 MB)