Risk of Ruin: A framework for Reviewing Greenhouse Gas Stabilization Targets

Wednesday, April 2, 2014: 4:00 p.m.
Washington Rooms 1-2 (Washington Marriott Wardman Park)
Most analyses of the economics of climate change tend to use cost-benefit analysis to decide how much to spend on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. But, a risk based view shows that the extreme tail of the probability distribution should dominate the analysis, and make cost-benefit analysis problematic. This paper uses a capital modelling type approach to analyze the risk from climate change.
Presentation 1
Oliver Bettis, Mr, Institute and Faculty of Actuaries
  • Risk of Ruin - 2014 Congress of Actuaries session 89 - O Bettis.pdf (954.6 kB)
  • Climate Ruin Model.xlsx (16.3 kB)