Investigation of Hedging Strategies between Assurances And Annuities for the Purpose of Mitigating Longevity Risk
Monday, March 31, 2014: 2:00 p.m.
Delaware Suite AB (Washington Marriott Wardman Park)
Longevity risk is an increasing risk factor in the increasing world of pensions and annuity business. If declining the business is not an option, a method is required to minimise the risk of longevity. This research considers the natural hedge between annuities and assurances. The stability of the hedge is investigated, how often rebalancing is required, and the effect that a change in interest rates will have on it. The hedge is illustrated for various ages, both for annuities and assurances. Finally, this is expanded and a simple method is suggested to apply the hedge to a portfolio of annuities or assurances.
Presentation 1
See more of: 26: Risk and Annuities - Hedging, Risk Factors, and Policyholder Behavior
See more of: Conference Program: Tracks
See more of: Conference Program: Tracks