Improve Health and Lower Diabetes Costs – A Comparison of Seven Countries
Wednesday, April 2, 2014: 9:30 a.m.
Maryland Suite C (Washington Marriott Wardman Park)
Healthcare spending growth is a global issue. This presentation will look at how seven countries across the globe are improving their population health and lowering health care costs by focusing on a growing chronic disease –diabetes. In 2010, health expenditures on diabetes were estimated to be 11.6% of the total health expenditure in the world, and its prevalence is projected to continue to increase in the coming decades. Countries exhibit many commonalities in their efforts to reduce the economic burden of diabetes. We will examine how these countries have deployed various interventions both at population level and clinical level. We will also look at how health actuaries can use their expertise to contribute to the overall goal of improving outcomes and lowering costs to the healthcare system.
Presentation 1
Presentation 2
Presentation 3
See more of: 68: Improve Health and Lower Diabetes Costs – A Comparison of Seven Countries
See more of: Conference Program: Tracks
See more of: Conference Program: Tracks