Role of Actuary in a DC World

Tuesday, April 1, 2014: 8:30 a.m.
Delaware Suite B (Washington Marriott Wardman Park)
As defined contributon plans become the dominant source of retirement income, plan participants could benefit from a systematic actuarial approach to measuring plan outcomes.
Presentation 1
Daniel Cassidy, Managing Director, P-Solve Cassidy
  • DC and Actuaries.pdf (482.9 kB)
  • Presentation 2
    Dimitry Mindlin, President, CDI Advisors LLC
  • CDI Mindlin Role of Actuaries DC 140401.pdf (608.5 kB)
  • Presentation 3
    Ignacio del Barco Martinez, General Director, CPPS, Sociedad de Asesores
  • DC PLANS IN SPAIN Ignacio del Barco.pdf (5.3 MB)