Exploring Longevity Initiatives
Monday, March 31, 2014: 4:00 p.m.
Washington Room 6 (Washington Marriott Wardman Park)
Individuals are living longer than ever before. In this session, we look at several research longevity initiatives that are addressing the challenges and opportunities associated with increasing lifespans. Andrew Peterson will present an overview of the SOA’s Longevity Task Force’s efforts to date in exploring the opportunities for the actuarial profession around longevity. Timothy Harris, will provide highlights from the SOA’s 2014 Living to 100 Research Symposium. The SOA’s Retirement Plans Experience Committee is busy developing a new set of retirement plan mortality tables and mortality improvement rates and will present the results of their work to date. In 2013, the CIA released its Canadian Pensioners' Mortality Table. Louis Adam will discuss this study and outlines the differences between the U.S. and Canada tables.
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