Traveling to DC

Is this your first time traveling to Washington, D.C.? Below are some links that will help you plan your travel arrangements and navigate through the city.

Airport Links

With its easy access by air, Washington D.C. is a prime travel destination. There are three airports servicing more international and domestic locations than most other cities:

Flight time from:

    Paris to Washington, D.C.: 8 hours, 11 minutes
    London to Washington, D.C.: 7 hours, 51 minutes
    Tokyo to Washington, D.C.: 14 hours, 5 minutes
    Beijing to Washington, D.C.: 14 hours, 23 minutes
    Abu Dhabi to Washington, D.C.: 14 hours, 39 minutes
    Sydney to Washington, D.C.: 20 hours, 1 minute
    Los Angeles to Washington, D.C.: 5 hours, 6 minutes

Would you like to know how long your flight will take when traveling to Washington, D.C.? Then visit the Travel Math website and check out their useful travel time calculator.


Washington, D.C. is also an ideal hub to major northeastern cities—by train only 30 minutes to Baltimore, two hours to Philadelphia, and four hours to New York City.