Mobile App and Social Media
Mobile App

Download the free ICA 2014 app to your smartphone or tablet and make the most of your time while you're with us at the meeting. Get real-time schedule and speaker updates, the most current version of the list of attendees, maps of the hotel property and meeting space, and more!
You can also follow the ICA 2014 Twitter feed and join the conversation.
Download the App
- iPhone and iPad users — search "ICA 2014" on the Apple App Store.
- Android users — search "ICA 2014" on the Google Play Store.
- Blackberry, Windows, others — go to this address on your smart phones (omit www):
Features of the Mobile App
Setup Your Account
To enable your account, open the app, go to [More] and then [My Account] to establish a password. Please use the email that you used to register for the conference.
Create a Profile
You may create a profile of yourself that other event attendees can view. You may enter your information into the app and upload a photo of yourself for the app by going to the app's mobile web address,, on your computer. Click [More] on the navigation bar at the top, click [My Account] and log in using the same email and password that you used to establish your account.
Attendee to Attendee Messaging
Once your account is set up, one of the features of the mobile app is that you and other attendees will have the option to send messages to each other through the app. It's a great way to network with fellow attendees up to and during the event. To message another attendee, they must have also setup their own account in the app.

Follow ICA 2014 on Twitter
Follow the official ICA Twitter page @ICA2014 and Use the Hashtag #ICA2014 to connect with colleagues, follow discussions from sessions, and ask questions.