Past ICA Meetings

ICA 201029th International Congress of Actuaries

Cape Town, South Africa
7-12 March 2010

Previous Meetings

2006 -- Paris, France

2002 -- Cancun, Mexico

1998 -- Birmingham, United Kingdom

1995 -- Brussels, Belgium

1992 -- Montreal, Canada

1988 -- Helsinki, Finland

1984 -- Sydney, Australia

1980 -- Zurich and Lausanne, Switzerland

1976 -- Tokyo, Japan

1972 -- Oslo, Norway

1968 -- Munich, Germany

1964 -- London and Edinburgh, United Kingdom

1960 -- Brussels, Belgium

1957 -- New York and Toronto, North America

1954 -- Madrid, Spain

1951 -- Scheveningen, Netherlands

1940 -- Lucerne, Switzerland (organised but not held; papers published)

1937 -- Paris, France

1934 -- Rome, Italy

1930 -- Stockholm, Sweden

1927 -- London, United Kingdom

1915 -- St. Petersburg, Russia (organised but not held)

1912 -- Amsterdam, Netherlands

1909 -- Vienna, Austria

1906 -- Berlin, Germany

1903 -- New York, United States of America

1900 -- Paris, France

1898 -- London, United Kingdom

1895 -- Brussels, Belgium