Welcome Reception (Sunday evening)

Delegates and Accompanying Persons who have registered for the full week or first half week of ICA 2014 will launch their ICA 2014 experience with a Welcome Reception on Sunday evening at the popular Smithsonian Museum of American History, which has been reserved for our private use that evening.

Star Spangled Banner Exhibit, National Museum of American History

For more information about the museum and its exhibits, visit the museum web site.

Private buses will be available to transport us between the hotel and the museum throughout the evening, or you can choose to use the Metro subway system to travel on your own.

  • Meet in the Marriott Main Lobby to board buses starting at 6:30 p.m. Buses will not depart hotel prior to 6:40 p.m.
  • 19:00 - 22:00 Welcome Reception at the Smithsonian Museum of American History

At the museum, enjoy the varied exhibits on your own or discuss the fascinating artifacts with the docents on hand. Sample the varied buffet stations to comprise your dinner for the evening, and enjoy a range of beverages throughout your visit.

Dress for the Sunday evening Welcome Reception is business casual.

Prairie Wagon, National Museum of American History