Expanding Role of the Actuary in Catastrophe Loss Estimating and Management

Thursday, April 3, 2014: 8:30 a.m.
Washington Room 4 (Washington Marriott Wardman Park)
Traditionally, insurance companies licensed catastrophe models from three vendors, and each vendor model came with its own front and back end to handle the model input and output.  The selection process generally involved choosing between AIR, RMS and/or EQECAT.  Newer technology is now offering many more options, such as open platforms, plug and play models, and even build your own model capabilities.  What does all of this mean for underwriters, management, and actuaries?  This session will address how actuaries can help their companies evaluate the myriad options and decide which tools can be best integrated for enhanced pricing, underwriting, risk management, and portfolio optimization processes.  It will illustrate new and expanded information available to actuaries for estimating catastrophe loss potential, understanding model uncertainty, and developing their own view of risk.
Presentation 1
Roger Grenier, Director, Catastrophe Research and Development, Liberty Mutual Group
  • RogerGrenier_ICA_2014.pdf (1.3 MB)
  • Presentation 2
    Peter Taylor, Research Fellow, University of Oxford
  • ptaylor_2014_ICA.pdf (3.6 MB)
  • Presentation 3
    Karen Clark, President & CEO, Karen Clark & Company
  • kclark_2014_ICA_Meeting.pdf (4.1 MB)