Continuing Education Credits

Attendance at ICA 2014 may be recognized by the national actuarial or underwriting organization for Continuing Professional Development (CPD)/Continuing Education (CE). As the formal recognition of CPD depends on, among other things, the practice area and the experience of the individual, delegates are advised to discuss possible CPD/CE credits with the national organization to which they belong.

This activity may qualify for up to 30.75* CPD/CE credits (hours) for those delegates attending the full week whose national organization's CPD requirements recognize ICA 2014. For delegates attending the first half, the activity may qualify for up to 17.75* credits (hours). For delegates attending the second half, the activity may qualify for up to 16.75* credits (hours). (This presumes one hour of actual time equals one unit of CPD, excluding lunches and breaks. For some national CPD requirements [e.g. the American Academy's Qualification Standards], 50 minutes of actual time equal one unit of CE.) Participants should claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

*Attendance at all available Poster Presentations and Limited Attendance Sessions is also included in the calculation. Please check the ICA 2014 website for details.

Enrolled Actuaries (EA) Continuing Education Requirement

We expect that Enrolled Actuaries can earn up to 14.5† credit hours of continuing education credits at the ICA 2014. All sessions noted as qualifying for EA credit also qualify for EA Formal credit under the JBEA requirements. In order to ensure compliance with JBEA regulations any EA wishing credit must fill out a ticket request and place the completed ticket in the bowl in front of the room at the conclusion of the session. Sessions noted for EA credit are indicated below.

Enrolled Actuaries (EA) credit† is available at the following 12 (includes one repeat session) sessions at the ICA 2014 meeting. These sessions are are indicated below.

Mon., 31 March Tues, 1 April Wed., 2 April Thurs., 3 April
9:00 – 10:30
EA Noncore 1.5 Credit
Plenary Session 01
The Longevity Dividend: Altering the Future Course of Health and Longevity?
8:30 – 10:00
EA Core 1.8 Credit
Session 95
Ethics and Professionalism for the Consulting Actuary
N/A 8:30 – 10:00
EA Core 1.8 Credit
Session 95
Ethics and Professionalism for the Consulting Actuary (Repeat)
11:00 – 12:30
EA Noncore 1.8 Credit
Session 13
Projecting Mortality and Life Expectancy
10:30 – 12:00
EA Noncore 1.8 Credit
Session 50
How to Achieve Retirement Income Adequacy
11:00 – 12:30
EA Noncore 1.8 Credit
Session 14
Current Issues for Pension Actuaries: A Panel Discussion
10:30 – 12:00
EA Noncore 1.8 Credit
Session 53
Retirement Risks: Disability, Taxes and Inflation
14:00 – 15:30
EA Noncore 1.8 Credit
Session 20
Target Benefit Pension Plans
10:30 – Noon
EA Noncore 1.8 Credit
Session 58
Managing Longevity Risk
14:00 – 15:30
EA Noncore 1.8 Credit
Session 21
Financing of Pensions: Sustainability
13:00 – 16:00
EA Core 3.6 Credit
Session 201
Limited Attendance – How International are You? Ethics and Professionalism from an International Perspective
Monday Continued      
16:00 – 17:30
EA Noncore 1.8 Credit
Session 33
Mathematical Modeling for Pension Actuaries
16:00 – 17:30
EA Noncore 1.8 Credit
Session 34
Impact of Demographic and Economic Shifts

NOTE: In order to receive credit, pick up a card (located on a small table at the front of the room next to a sign noted for EA Credit). Complete the information on the card and following the conclusion of the session drop your ticket into the bowl located at the front of the room. Tickets are picked up immediately following the conclusion of the session.

† Sessions as presented onsite must reflect the session description as written, and run for the duration as listed in the online brochure/program as of 2/6/14 on the ICA 2014 website in order for the session to qualify for credit. Also, the proposed credits as listed for all EA credited sessions are subject to final approval by the Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries.