Plenary Sessions

Plenary sessions are offered Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings and Friday afternoon.

Four plenary sessions are offered to Conference attendees:

  • Monday morning: Opening Ceremony and Welcome - details forthcoming
  • Monday 31 March
    The Longevity Dividend: Altering the Future Course of Health and Longevity?
    Professor S. Jay Olshansky
    The conventional view held by many is that the historical increase in life expectancy will continue throughout this century in most parts of the world.
  • Wednesday 2 April
    Dr. Paul Embrechts
    From its historical roots to the present, insurance can be described as "the taming of uncertainty."
  • Wednesday 2 April
    The Insurance Industry CEO Perspective: Navigating the Changing Business Landscape
    Patricia L. Guinn, Greig Woodring, Michel M. Liès, Clive Cowdery, and Robert S. Schimek
    Presented in a "talk show" format, this plenary session will feature a host interviewing leading insurance industry CEO's about their careers, industry vision and actuarially focused advice.
  • Friday morning: Closing Ceremony and Introduction of ICA 2018 - details forthcoming
  • Friday 4 April
    Improved Forecasting through a Different Focus
    Dr. Guntram Werther
    We are somewhat barking up the wrong tree with our heavy emphasis on getting ever more information and hoping that better technical methods will solve existing futures, especially crisis emergence, assessment shortfalls.