Information for Speakers and Authors
All those who submitted proposals for papers or presentations as a result of the Call for Papers and Presentations have been notified.
Each accepted submission has been assigned to at least one of the following tracks;
- Health/IAAHS
- Life/IAALS
- General Insurance/ASTIN/Property/Casualty
- Pension/PBSS
- Professionalism (including AEN)
- Consulting/IACA
- Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)/Financial Risk/AFIR
Volunteer Session Coordinators are responsible for each track. They will contact all accepted submitters, as they begin to plot the schedule for ICA 2014. They may request: the most recent list and contact information of speakers for each submission, papers (if applicable), presentations in PowerPoint or Word, review of session or abstract description, length of time needed for each presentation, among other items.
All presenters will receive notification by email of specific requirements and deadlines and will be asked to review and approve these Terms of Speaking.
Submissions may be combined with others to be placed in a 90-minute parallel session slot. A submission may be included in the schedule of parallel sessions or may be a poster session.
The Scientific Committee has the following preliminary timeline for the Scientific Program (dates subject to change):
- March 31, 2013 – Plenary session speakers confirmed and descriptions of plenary sessions included on ICA 2014 website. Parallel session and poster session titles listed on website.
- May 31, 2013 – First draft papers/presentations due for committee review with instructions on how to submit them online. The Scientific Committee requires that the papers be complete in draft form, that presentation outlines be provided (if no paper), or that they be at least in a form that enables the coordinators to evaluate them as completely as possible. If submitters have special AV requests, please see the note below.
- July 16, 2013 – Determination of draft ICA 2014 scientific program, successful authors/presenters notified, and accepted abstracts published on ICA 2014 Web Site. As the Scientific Committee begins to prepare the schedule, otherwise accepted papers may be accepted as "poster sessions" instead, if there are scheduling constraints. The Scientific Committee expects a working draft of the schedule will be done by July 16.
- September 13, 2013 – Comments from Scientific Committee on the first draft of papers and presentations due to presenters/authors.
- December 13, 2013 – Final papers/presentations due for publication on ICA 2014 Web Site. Schedule finalized.
NOTE: Audio-Visual – Each presenter will be provided a laptop with the session already downloaded, an LCD projector, a projection screen, and a podium microphone. If a presenter requires any other devices (such as, wireless lapel microphones or sound to run audio or video files or DVDs), please complete the AV Form and fax or email to the CAS.
All speakers are requested to use the following ICA 2014 Powerpoint template for their final presentations.
Presentation software instructions for speakers and moderators.